Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 1 – “AnnaGrace Violet Vaughan”

After a somewhat restless night (I understand that sometimes happens when you are in labor), Josh and Christi left for the hospital around 7 a.m.  When the boys woke up the second time (they managed to arouse enough to tell Mom and Dad goodbye), Chris helped them through their schoolwork for the day.  well, except for Zak’s Latin class which he does online.  That didn’t start until 11:15.  Meanwhile I took care of more important matters.  What could be more important than schoolwork, you may ask?  I went for donuts, of course.  Gotta keep their stamina up for this pretty important day (Like they needed any more energy). 

They coasted through the assignments, constantly watching the clock and asking if we had heard any more from Mommy.  We read a book about Christmas Claus (Luke preferred name for Santa).  We made a cookie cake.  Each of the boys had a section of cookie dough to crumble up into the pan, and then each one added his own icing swirl decoration.  Things were going well, but the tension was mounting.  The announcement came that Mommy was beginning to push.  Things were progressing.  But by lunchtime the boys, especially Caleb, were in an all-out pace mode. 

We finally got the call around 2 that she had been born, so we loaded up the boys and headed on over.  Oops, just a few houses away Chris remembered that we forgot the birthday cookie cake.  Screech.  Quick turn (actually, a perfect, textbook, three-point turn around) fixed that problem, though.  On the drive Caleb informed us, “Don’t worry about the brakes, DadDad.  Mom just learned how to drive with them.  You have to push on them quicker and stop later.”  OK.  Thank you for that.  My Dad probably rolled over in his grave at that one.  He was always a stickler for fixing things before they broke.  Luke had some words of concern, however.  “I don’t think we’re going to the hospital.”  When asked where he thought we were going he added, “I don’t know.  I think we going to the rodeo.”  With a chuckle, Zak hastened to explain that ever since they went to a rodeo one time, Luke thinks that’s where they are going every time.  Since the hospital is only about five minutes from the house, the car conversation carried us almost to the front door.  Well, there was that one point of decision on the final turn.  We had to decide of the baby was being born in a hospital or in a WalMart warehouse.  Fortunately, the hospital won out.

We finally arrived at that hospital and met up with BobBob and Mimi, the other grandparents, in the waiting room.  And pretty soon Daddy came bursting through the door.  He was met by a barrage of boys racing to him and leaping into his arms.  One would surmise that they were glad to see him.  And final, finally we were ushered into the room where Mommy sat in bed, beaming with pride and holding the precious new baby sister.  AnnaGrace Violet Vaughan was 6 pounds 6 ounces (or 6 pounds 6.5 ounces, as on the little tag on her bed.  Or 6 pounds 6.4 ounces as on the photo Josh took when she was actually being weighed.  I think they were all just trying to verify beyond a doubt that she WASN’T 6 pounds 6.6 ounces.  Can’t have a 666 baby in a pastor’s household).  She was eighteen and a half inches long, but Josh is tossing in his coach’s flag to protest that call as well.  After the customary rounds of oohs and aahs, and after the boys each had a chance to hold baby sister, this old DadDad was given the honor of being the first grandparent to hold her.  Beautiful little baby, you know.  Blonde hair.  Couldn’t really see much of her eyes, but word has it that they are blue.  I think her older brothers are going to find opportunity to use those slingshots they got from Santa the other night.  They started early.  Each one of them was wearing a t-shirt imprinted with the words, “Bodyguard for my Little Sister.” Zak told me that Dad was going to allow her to get married when she turned 51.  And she does have a few boy cousins waiting in the wings.  I think this one will be safe.  More than safe.  Wonder if there are any castle towers for rent in the Waco area …

Isaiah 30:21 says, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”

Father, may you make young AnnaGrace strong and courageous.  Whether she chooses to go to the right or to the left, may she always hear the voice of your Holy Spirit directing her paths.  Amen.


teacher-mom said...

Congratulations, Daddad and Mimi, alias Pastor Kelley and Chris! She is already well loved! God bless you all! Dianne and Bill Lami

teacher-mom said...

Congratulations, Daddad and Mimi, alias Pastor Kelley and Chris! She is already well loved! God bless you all! Dianne and Bill Lami

teacher-mom said...

Congratulations, Daddad and Mimi, alias Pastor Kelley and Chris! She is already well loved! God bless you all! Dianne and Bill Lami