Saturday, December 24, 2016

December 24 – “EE-I-OH”

While the boys played boy-games involving Legos and GI Joes, Noa quietly snuck up on me as I endeavored to type in my office.  In that sweet “I love you DadDad and I have you wrapped around my little finger” voice of hers, she asked me to sing with her.  Ands as I turned to look at her I saw the little angel standing there, dragging my ukulele case behind her.  She grinned again and added, “And let’s sing wif your little guitar.  Not knowing much about her repertoire, I found some Christmas Carols that I knew the chords to.  She was great, of course.  I was … out of practice.  If nothing else, though, our singing did take her mind off of her earlier whining lament related to the boys not including her in their game of “Ee-i-oh.”  They were saying GI Joe.  Oh, and as it turned out, it also provided her an opportunity to warm up for her premier performance.  She sang the entire way back up to the hospital.  Just a few base songs with a myriad of minor adaptations.  Here are a few of the lyrics: “Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree, my God is so big, Jesus loves me, this I know, so, joy to the world.”  Yep.  That was one song.  I am still impressed by how well it fits together, aren’t you?

At the hospital little Ezra was enjoying a snack.  That led to some pondering by big brother Josiah.  The elder one had just one question concerning this whole breastfeeding thing: “Does he drink both sides?”  To her credit, Christina managed her “yes” answer with a nod and a totally straight face.

We also learned that Micah has some pretty strong views on getting married.  In fact, check out this interchange:
Micah: “I am not getting married.”
Nana: “You don’t have to, but you may change your mind some day.”
Micah: “Nope.  I’m not getting married because that lip to lip is just gross.”
Nana: covers her mouth to hide and hold in the explosion of laughter struggling to escape.
Micah: “And if you’re married your wife will make you go to the doctor.”
Jachin and me: Thumbs up

We got home from the hospital in time to run over to the brand new fishing pier off of 61st Street.  Jachin and Micah and Josiah went fishing with me while Nana and Noa headed over to WalMart to do some shopping.  As I mentioned the other day, we had to replenish our food supply.  Fishing was about what I expected for the area.  I have been there a few times before and had about the same result.  But from the perspective of three youngsters, it was the best fishing day ever.  They each managed to land at least one piggy.  And I’m pretty sure Micah and Jachin each had on line one of those monsters that they saw on that TV show Catching Monsters.  It grabbed hold of their hook and simply wouldn’t let go, no matter how hard they pulled.  Ended up breaking their line.  Had to be a big one.  Either that or they got hung up on some of the oysters and rocks around there.  I think we’ll stick with the monster story, though.  It tells better.

Ephesians 6:23-24 says, “Peace to the brothers, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.”

Father, thank you for fishing stories and the chance to make a few of them with my grandsons.  Amen.

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