Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22 – “Gorgeous girls and ER madness”

Cailyn made it to church with us yesterday.  And Ciara was there.  So was Joy.  That’s our farm team for future development of our youth group at Seaside.  I have always said, the way to grow a really good youth group is to find a beautiful girl who is sold out to Jesus.  The other girls will come because they want to be like her.  The guys will come because … well, because they want to be near her.  Males perfect sense to me.  And with those three gorgeous little girls around, you better watch out for our youth group in the future.  OK.  I know I’m making not-so unconscious comparisons with the Astros.  But our future looks a lot brighter than theirs.

I had another hospital excursion last night.  My Uncle Jerry called again in the afternoon asking if I could bring him some Benadryl so he could get some sleep.  He has never fully recovered from his problem a few weeks ago when he went in to get checked out for blood clots.  I took him the medicine, but he called back a few hours later to ask if I could just take him on into the hospital emergency room.  He had called and upon hearing what he had been admitted for last time, they directed him to come on in right away. 

They did all the requisite testing and vital sign-taking, and he seemed to me to be looking worse and worse.  Guess it’s a good thing I’m not a doctor.  I did run for the nurse when he started vomiting, though.  It would not have been a good thing for them to have both of us sharing time over the sink in that little ER triage room.  They got him some medicine for the nausea and he finally began to look some better.  He still couldn’t get comfortable, though.  When we had been there long enough for a second doctor to come in and repeat every exam the other one had done, they let on that they were basically killing time until a bed opened up in the hospital that they could transfer him to.  The cat scan test they needed to do to check for a blood clot in his lungs couldn’t be done because his kidney enzymes were out of whack (or something along those lines).  The alternate test for that is only performed on Mondays, so he was in a holding pattern until then. 

As we waited, at one point they came and carefully closed the door.  Our curiosity was piqued, but it didn’t take long to find out why.  Someone we brought in who was less than happy to be there.  He was very defiant and … loud.  He screamed and hollered obscenities for at least thirty minutes before finally quieting down.  We decided they must have convinced him to let them give him a shot of something that knocked him out.  I confess that I did peek through the curtains at one point, but all I saw were some paramedics and one sheriff deputy.  Of course that could have been fodder for some great speculation and maybe even an idea for a TV pilot or two.  But I was getting pretty tired by then, and Jerry was in and out of a very restless sleep. 

They finally transferred him to a room in a different area of the ER.  It had a much more comfortable bed and a TV.  They indicated that he could be in there for most of the rest of the night, so he insisted that I head on home and get some sleep.  I’ll check on him later today.  Gotta love these busy Sundays.

Psalms 34:15-16 says, “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry; the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth.”

Father, once again will you care for Uncle Jerry?  His kids are worried and a long way away.  Thanks.  Amen.

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