Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22 – “Dreams are dreams”

We had to drive into Bay City again yesterday to get some more paperwork from one of the banks.  Still trying to accumulate all the paperwork Chris is responsible for as executor of her Mom's estate.  It's looking more and more like there will be quite a few areas of frustration remaining when all of this plays out.  The legal system just isn't made to restore the effects of broken relationships.  Takes God to do that effectively. 
I've been struggling with more pain lately.  I guess I got used to having sore knees, but trying to do much of anything with pain in both elbows is extremely distracting at best.  I'm not finding much that I can do while I'm awake that doesn't involve one or both of my elbows at some point.  Pick up a cup of coffee?  Yep.  Driving?  Also involved.  Typing?  Not so much during the process.  I found a spot where I can rest my arms on my desk.  But when I stop and straighten my arms out … ouch.  Read or do a crossword puzzle?  Gotta hold the book and the pencil.  Roll over in bed?  Uh-huh – gotta push off.  That doesn't even begin to include mowing the grass or carving something or even fishing.  I started taking the pain medication my doc prescribed to help me sleep at night.  It seems to do the job, but leaves me kind of sluggish when I first wake up.  That's not good, because I do most of my work in the early morning before the early afternoon weariness hits.  Kind of a catch-22. 
Wow.  Sounds pretty bleak when I read back over that.  I'm not dead yet, actually.  Although I have been longing for a break.  You know, the typical dreaming of a vacation.  A long vacation.  Knowing Mom is taken care of.  Knowing the bills are covered.  Knowing April is doing OK.  Not having anything in particular to prepare for.  Chris by my side (well, practically speaking, she'd probably be driving).  Maybe we could make a visit to every friend we have in the United States.  That alone would take us to … let's see … Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama, New Jersey, Virginia, Wisconsin, Indiana, Oklahoma, Colorado, Oregon, California, Utah, Louisiana, Alaska, South Carolina, North Carolina, New York, and of course all over Texas.  Did I miss anyone?  Now that would be a trip.  I could even take one sermon along with me and preach it in everyone's church.  Then they could take up a love offering for us to get us to the next spot.  Of course that would probably mean I'd have to take along my marryin' and buryin' suit for some of those churches.  Ah, well.  Dreams are dreams. 
1 John 3:23 says, "And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us."
Father, thank you for placing friends of ours in all those places.  Makes dreming a lot more fun.  Amen.

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