Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18 – “Can’t beat a good comic book”

I had one of those very early mornings again.  Didn't sleep all that well because I decided to not take a pain pill before going to bed.  I guess in the grand scheme of things it didn't go all that badly.  I only woke up three times that I remember.  It has certainly been much worse. 
Mom asked about her finances again yesterday.  Said she just wanted to be sure someone was paying her bills.  I saw that as a positive step, although she still wasn't clear about where she lives.  She asked Chris to get her a little notebook so she could resume her long-time practice of journaling.  Wow.  Now it has really been a good while since she has done that.  She asked me who my sons were and then who my grandkids were.  Three times.  She wanted to hear their names.  She was also watching the computer screensaver that scrolls through all the pictures I have saved.  Every now and then she would ask about one of them.  After a while she came up with an idea.  She asked me to make her a picture album with everyone's name under their picture.  My favorite part of the request, though, was, "That way I can check it out when I see someone and know who it is I'm talking to."  Now that is thinking through a problem and coming up with a viable solution.  Way to go, Mom.  I got her book done.  Of course, then our home group people started arriving and she wanted a picture of each of them in her book as well.  Guess we need to start another book.  Or see fewer people.
I heard a great challenge when I taught at youth group the other night.  Rita suggested to the kids that every night for one week they thank God for one thing they have never thanked him for before.  Great idea.  I think I'm going to give it a try.  So first … thank you, Father, for the creativity of the guys who put together the Action Bible I got for Christmas.  It has been a lot of fun reading through it during my quiet time.  Can't beat a good comic book.  Amen.
1 John 3:14 says, "We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death."

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