Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2 – “Interesting, refreshing, impressive”

Well, New Year's Day was a good one.  Kel had a day off from his preaching duties.  Josh got to stick around here for a few extra days because he agreed to take an available convention day and do the teaching at Seaside.  We heard all about how Jesus was a prophet, a king, and a priest.  Nathan was up literally all night at the fire station answering calls related to the heavy fog, but at one point someone asked him why he was named Nathan.  He said he then proceeded to tell the story of King David.  That was about 1:30 in the morning.  He finally had a moment to rest at 5.  He could barely keep his eyes open at lunch.
Caleb really enjoyed the singing Sunday.  At one point when I was holding him, he doubled up his fists and pumped them into the air in time to the music.  That's what freedom in worship looks like.  There was a lady in the service whose husband just died a week and a half ago.  Very interesting story.  They had only been married five weeks when he was killed in a car wreck.  He was a brand new Christian, though, so she was encouraged by that.  She said the pastor who married them in Hawaii flew in for the funeral and gave an incredible gospel presentation.  Two of her husband's family members became believers at the funeral.  She was concerned that more of them would get past their anger and find God.  Very refreshing visit.  Then while folks were milling around after the service was over, just talking and enjoying each other's company, a family drove up.  They were originally from India and now lived in Katy.  They had a simple request.  Could they come inside and pray for a few minutes to welcome in the New Year?  You don't see that every day.  Very impressive dedication.
Josh and his family head back to San Antonio today.  Things are about to get very quiet around here again.
Isaiah 43:25 says, "I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more."
Father, draw that new believer's family members to you and bring them to your salvation.  Continue to fill his widow with your encouragement.  And help him to enjoy being in your presence.  Amen.

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