Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13 – “A New Ap”

I learned about a great new ap for the iphone the other day.  I was at the youth worship service on Wednesday night, and I noticed a few of the kids holding up their phones for a few seconds during the songs.  Then they would look at them and start talking about something.  I finally caught one fragment of a conversation, "Did you get 'Indescribable'?"  That was the name of the song that had just played.  Very interesting.  I stopped them afterward and asked what they were doing.  And thus was I introduced to the ap called Shazam.  You just let it listen to the song playing, and if that song has been recorded, the ap will find the name and show a picture of the album cover it comes from.  I downloaded it when I got home, and as I was playing with it I found another version of it that is actually a music player like ipod.  But this one connects to an existing database of songs.  It searches the songs you have saved on your phone and if any match up with the existing database, it will play them like a music video, displaying the lyrics.  Also quite helpful, though admittedly limited.  Maybe it will get a fuller database as time goes on.  And don't I sound all up-to-date?  Talking about aps and music and databases.  Not bad for this old guy.
Kel and Christina and their boys came over yesterday afternoon just to hang out.  Maybe Kel can count it as a ministry contact.  You know, visiting the elderly.  It's always great to have those boys around.  Never a dull moment.  Jachin and Micah have a perpetual game of chase going on with Chris and me.  I can never keep track of who is "it" though.  It's usually enough to get the game going if I just suddenly tag one of them at random times as they walk past.  That can start a rampage stoppable only by their Mom calling time out.  And she's not even in the game.  Moms can do that though.  They have "The Power."  Josiah has discovered he can crawl out of his crib, so that is his newest passion in life.  No naps needed any longer, and not much sleep, either.  He has a new talent to perfect.  Ah, but Mom and Dad are way ahead of him this time.  They found this mosquito net-looking contraption that locks him inside.  Last night was to be his first time in lock-up.  I'm anxious to hear how he fared.  He had quite a bit to say to us yesterday.  I have no idea what it was, but he said a lot of it.  Watch out for that one when he learns some words.  He's gonna be even more fun to have around.
Isaiah 51:4-5 says, "Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation: The law will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations.  My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations.  The islands will look to me and wait in hope for my arm."
Father, this is one island that sure needs your arm.  Come to Galveston.  Amen.

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