Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3 – “The neighbor”


Josh had quite an interesting interaction with his neighbor the other day.  The couple has young children that play with Zak and Caleb, and Christi has become pretty good friends with the wife.  The husband claims to be an atheist.  The wife says she is more of an agnostic, but she is questioning, so that is causes some marital friction. 


The wife brought some of her questions over to Josh and Christi's house.  She seems to understand God's wrath better than anyone he has ever talked to.  She attributes it to her rigid Catholic upbringing.  After two hours of talking she reached a point where she was, in Josh's words, "obviously gazing at the cross."  She had a good understanding of what happened there – God allowed Jesus to die for her sins.  But she just couldn't get her heart to accept that God would do something like that for her.  Josh told her if that was the case, then in a nutshell she was calling God a liar.  It wasn't a matter of her mind understanding or her heart accepting.  It was a matter of her will.  He said, "You have reached a point where you have to make a decision.  Will you repent and believe?"  After a long pause, he left the room to let her think about it.  She told Christi that no one had ever laid it out to her like that before – "calling God a liar."  She didn't respond that night. 


The next day he got a FaceBook message from her.  She thanked him for the time and concern, but she still couldn't wrap her head or heart around Jesus.  She supposed that she just needed some more information.  Josh said he would help her with whatever research she wanted help with, but whatever course of searching she took, she was going to end up back at the same place.  "Will you repent and believe?"  He assured her that he and Christi loved her, and she was the best neighbor they have ever had, and they still want to be friends no matter what she decides.  Wow.  That's a matter for prayer now.  Holy Spirit's turn at bat.


2 Peter 3:9 says, "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."


Father, do your work in the life of Josh's neighbor.  Keep drawing her to yourself.  And work a miracle in the life of her husband as well.   Give Josh and Christi your wisdom as they continue in friendship with them.  Amen.

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