Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7 – “Verbal Bride”


Yesterday afternoon we went to Micah and Jachin's baseball games.  Their other grandma was there along with an uncle and aunt, so Micah was very distracted.  He was playing third base, and he spent a lot of time grooming the grass in the area right around him.  He did get a great hit, though.  Jaching was playing second base and almost got a glove on one of the hardest hits I've seen from those six year olds.  Give 'em time.  They'll get there.  We got to see one of the families from church at the game, too.  Their son was on the opposing team, so for a few innings we sat on their side and rooted for Daniel. 


The wedding vows renewal service last night was lots of fun.  The bride by far wins the award for the most verbal bride I have ever had at a wedding.  She talked pretty much the whole time whenever a song played.  She was really funny, though.  She arranged with me ahead of time to change up the vows a bit as a private joke on her husband.  I told him to repeat after me.  Then I started: "I will obey, whatever you say, your wish – here I stand – is my command."  I didn't get to read all of it, though.  The whole place started laughing after, "I will obey."  I felt kind of bad, though.  When we did the actual vows right after that, the groom started to cry.  This whole thing was obviously more meaningful to him than to her.  She got the message, though.  When she realized he was tearing up, she got serious very fast.


One of the things I share at weddings is the "proper" way to fight.  I use F.I.G.H.T.S as an acronym, with a quick communication point after each one.  The "T" stands for touch, and the message is supposed to be "when you fight, touch.  Hold hands."  So when I got to that point, I said the letter "T" was my favorite.  I started, "It stands for …" when the bride – Tonya - interrupted with "… Tonya is always right."  I answered, "That may be, but today let's go with Touch."  That was some funny stuff.  I even heard a song that I liked as part of the ceremony.  It was called "Smile" by some guy named Uncle Kracker.  A very nice song with lyrics like "you make me smile," and the like.  After the ceremony they had a dance.  The last time I took Chris dancing was to a wedding.  Nathan's, I think.  We did some slow dancing with the other old people to get us started, but we ended up really moving when they started in on some of the oldies.  Well, I was moving … for one song … until my knees started killing me … and my hips.  We found out why old people dance the way they do.  We really did have fun, though.  The bride's Mom and Dad are good friends, and the brother – the one I coached in basketball – has a unique dancing style.  He never moves his feet, and the rest of his body kind of bounces up and down in time to the music like he's running in place.  I copied him for the rest of the night.  Great new style for me.


Colossians 1:16 says, "For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him."

 Father, thanks for the people you are sending to Seaside.  Show them and us why.  Amen.

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