Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10 – “Things are progressing”


Christina had an appointment this morning with the midwife who is following her pregnancy.  They dropped off Jachin and Micah around 7:30.  They don't do inducing labor as a rule, but apparently there was some kind of procedure they were thinking about doing that could trigger labor.  So in the midst of our baseball and Legos and walking around with a child hanging onto each leg, we kept one ear attuned to the cell phones for some good news.


We thought the boys were well into some serious play after lunch.  Cailyn was here by that time so her Mom could take a test at school.  They were all gathered in the den floor playing with Nathan's old GI Joe's and Josh's old Legos and blocks and such.  Jachin and Micah had a running commentary going of the events surrounding the battle they were re-enacting.  I was on the floor in the hall just the other side of the couch, listening and trying to stay awake.  That's when I heard Jachin speak.  He randomly said, "Micah, next time we have a baby, I want to know what it is."  Ah.  So they were missing their Mom.  Now we had heard from them at that time.  They had been sent out to take their second walk, and "things were progressing," whatever that meant.  It looked like were in this for the long haul. 


But Chris was supposed to leave for Bay City this afternoon sometime.  Her Mom has two appointments tomorrow, and her Dad has one Wednesday.  By 2:00 she was getting quite antsy, trying to decide if she should have her Mom postpone her appointments for a week.  That would give Chris an extra day to be around for the birth.  Then she called to check in and found out that one of the doctors had already canceled.  The other one agreed to postpone for a week.  The extra day was acquired.


The boys decided they wanted to send a message to their Mom.  Both of them said something along the lines of "I want my Mommy!"    While we were typing it in, we got a text from Christina.  They had given her the option of going to the hospital and having them break her water or coming home and wait a little longer to see what happened.  She opted to come home.  Her sons were happy until Jachin realized that meant no baby yet.  He asked me to text her back and say he'd rather see a baby.  She replied in that very best grammar of texting, "Me 2!"


Romans 12:1 says, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship."


Father, thank you that Christina has made her body a sacrifice to you.  That means the little one inside in already in your hands.  Amen.

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