Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25 – “The gas truck”


Tonight at our house we begin a new study called Christianity Explained.  I invited anyone who wants to attend, but I honestly don't expect anyone other than our home group regulars.  Speaking of home group, there is one couple I have been kind of worried about.  The wife has had a rash of outrageous medical problems and has been in and out of the hospital.  I really like these guys, and I have been praying that they would come back around again.  Some weeks I try texting them, others I don't. 


This week, with the start of the new study, I really wanted to call them and see if they could come.  In the midst of preparation for tonight and Palm Sunday weekend and our doctor trip to Bay City and Houston and Micah showing up to play this afternoon because his brother had a doctor's appointment for a possible ear infection, I had not made the call.  When Micah arrived we went outside to say hi to Jachin, when a public utility gas truck pulled up.  Who should stick his head out?  Brian, the husband I mentioned earlier.  We talked for a few minutes, and he said he was going to call his wife and get her to come on over tonight.  I sure hope so.  It's amazing how God does things in his time. 


Time.  Oh, I forgot to mention.  I was supposed to start the study last Thursday, but that's when I got so sick.  I understand now that we needed to wait a week, but couldn't there have been a better way?  I would have been happy to just postpone.


It also just hit me that Chris wanted to go walking today.  I was willing to give it a try, but I got wrapped up in work at the computer all day.  Yesterday I Facebooked (what a crazy new verb to add to our vocabulary) a friend in Arlington who has rheumatoid arthritis.  I asked him a question I should have asked the doctor, but forgot when he "confirmed" his diagnosis.  I just wanted to know if I should or shouldn't try to work through the pain of exercising.  Is it going to do more harm than good?  I can just hear my jr. high school football coach screaming in one ear and my high school basketball coach hollering in the other, "Suck it up.  No pain, no gain."  I'll do it if it won't make it worse.  He hasn't answered yet.  I haven't started exercising yet.


2 Samuel 22:47 says, "The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock!Exalted be God, the Rock, my Savior!"


Father, give me an answer about this exercising stuff.  I'd really like to know.  Amen.


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