Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12 – “New girl on the block”


We had a new girl on the block at the school today.  She came over from the public high school after giving it a try for a few weeks.  She seems really motivated and excited about the chance to work ahead and maybe graduate sooner.  The other kids also seemed to welcome her.  She's really cute, so the guys, at least, were excited.  Now I need to get her a crate locker and some textbooks.  I also need to find three copies of Silas Marner. 


Chris is heading back to Bay City tonight.  She was going to wait until tomorrow, but her mom's appointment was changed to an earlier time.  The cat scan results don't look all that great.  Looks like the lymph nodes are involved now.  That's about the last thing there is.  The chemo damaged her heart and the cancer has the rest.  She is still upbeat, though.  She talks about having surgery and getting strong enough to start chemo again.  Chris is doing her best to stay encouraging.


There is a school board meeting tomorrow night.  The lady we tried to hire as headmaster is supposed to be there to give us some pointers on grant writing.  I'm afraid some of our Peyton Place drama may be there as well.  I'm glad we worked so hard on the student handbook this summer.  That should help head off some of the issues.  All I want is someone else to get the headmaster job.  I have reached that not-really-sick-but-just –day-to-day-existing stage.  I don't feel like I can get anything substantial done because of all the operational and administrative stuff that has become "the next important thing."  Ah, alas.  Stricken once again by the "tyranny of the urgent" bug.  Maybe I can trade it off for some swine flu. 


Or maybe jury duty.  But that's not until Wednesday afternoon.  A lifetime away.

In the meantime, I guess I'll see Chris off and go crate hunting at WalMart.


Colossians 3:17 says, "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."


Father, take my "whatever you do" and make something good out of it.  Amen.

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