Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27 – “Hospital”


We chose today to work in the yard.  We borrowed Kel's lawn mower awhile back and still had it.  Last time we were with them Christina chided him because their yard needed mowing, so we figured we should return it.  We got the yard mowed but still haven't returned the mower.


We took Mom shopping this afternoon.  We needed a table to put the TV on, and Rooms to Go was having a sale.  So off we headed.  By "off" I mean "off the island" of course.  Mom found out what we were doing and jumped in the truck with us.  We actually found something we all liked.  It has a honey finish like some of our other stuff.  They will deliver it sometime Wednesday.


I got a text message while we were out from our youth pastor.  His wife was in the emergency room having trouble breathing.  She has asthma, but this was a particularly bad attack.  They had already given her two breathing treatments and some steroids, and she was still in distress.  Chris and I went out to check on her.  They decided to admit her, at least for the night, to get her stabilized. 


The Seaside Christian Academy school board meeting went well.  Long, but well.  Not very many attended, but we finished the student handbook.  They also assigned two members to interview the headmaster candidate.  Her credentials look really good.  I hope it works out.  Quickly.


It's well past my bedtime.  I'm not doing so well staying up late.  I need my beauty sleep.


Proverbs 31:30 says, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."


Father, thank you that you woman you gave me is a true beauty – and she fears the Lord.  Amen.

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