Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27 – “Slav-ation”

Not much action on the house today.  No workers.  No us.  We just stopped by to check the mail on our way to take Mom out to lunch at Luby's.  After all, it is Tuesday.  I got the last fried shrimp dinner available before they ran out.  Kind of tasted like it.


Most of my day today I spent working on the computer.  I got started on the teaching for Sunday.  I chuckled at one of my many typos.  I was writing about becoming a believer in Jesus, and the word came out SLAvation instead of SALvation.  The more I thought about it, though, the more it made sense.  1 Corinthians 7:22 says, "he who was a free man when he was called is Christ's slave."


I read through what I want to teach on Thursday at Seaside Christian Academy.  I fixed up a printout for the baby dedication on Sunday.  Had to spend some extra time on that one.  It was for Cailyn, after all. 


I took a break for supper.  Nathan made a great pot of shrimp gumbo.  The best part of the meal was … I "had to" hold Cailyn while we ate.  Then we sat around and talked while Chris took her turn being Nana.


Speaking of Nathan, he and I spent a lot of time this evening on the phone with his computer savvy friend.  We were attempting to get our desktop computer to talk to our laptop.  I heard it was not that difficult a task.   We ran everything we could think of on both computers.  The problem was compounded by the fact that our cable internet here has been on the fritz lately, so we couldn't get online.  Well … still doesn't work.  They just don't want to communicate with each other.  And if they don't, how can they share files?  How can they increase their capacity two-fold?  Why don't they just do what they are told?  Things would be so much better for them. 


Romans 6:23 says, "the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."  But we're all just like my computers.  Romans 3:23 says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  Why can't we all just communicate with each other, with God?


Father, forgive me when I don't listen.  To you.  To Chris.  To my heart.  Amen.

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