Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 14 – “Over-prepared”

Today was "spend-the-day-at-the-hospital-waiting-for-Caliyn-to-be-born" Day.  I know that's a mouthful, but it was how we spent the day.  All of it.  And we're not done yet.  We heard Nathan and April get up at 3:30, but that was definitely not our cue.  She was to be at the hospital to be induced at 6 a.m.  That would be a little closer.  As it turned out, we got there around 7:30 because of traffic and construction.  Not a problem.  She was definitely not in imminent danger of birthing.  So we settled in.


I was ready for this one.  My phone was all charged up for some fast and furious texting between the birthing room and waiting room, not to mention the obligatory check-in calls from family and friends all over the place.  Nathan told me they had wireless internet, so I had my laptop all ready to work on the sermon for Sunday.  I also took a little portable DVD player in case we needed an hour or two of release.  We could go to the movies.  And of course I had the usual novel/study book/crossword puzzles ensemble as well.  I had enough money for a meal or maybe two.  I was way over-prepared, right? 


The first thing I discovered was that there was no wireless internet signal in this particular waiting room.  Well, I guess there was.  I saw it flash across the screen for about twenty seconds one time before it disappeared forever into internet oblivion.  I did get some work done, but there were several things I intended to look up on line.  So much for that idea.  The movie idea actually went over great.  I watched Godzilla first.  Well, I watched it until I started falling asleep and it began to slip off my lap and I jerked awake and Chris laughed at me.  That's about the time I felt the need for a bathroom and stretch-my-legs break.  I did a little better with Heaven Can Wait.  The study book went well, too.  I am reading a book Josh recommended about studying the Bible.  Got two full chapters read in that one.  I never got to the novel.  And for the first time in all the years I've been waiting in hospital waiting rooms, I didn't work a single crossword puzzle.  The phone thing was a terrible disappointment.  This particular waiting room was the black hole of telephone reception.  At least for my phone.  I got nothing.  No text messages or calls, in or out.  It was more like the Twilight Zone for Chris, though.  Her phone would ring, but when she answered, no one would be there.  She could receive texts, but not send them.  Talk about an odd day – little to no connection with the outside world.  How did we ever used to manage?


After a long day of contractions and pitocin, the doctor decided to give April a rest and start up again at 6 in the morning.  She just wasn't progressing beyond two centimeters.  We said our goodbyes and headed for home.  Nathan asked Chris when she wanted him to call if things sped up.  His thoughts?  "When we see the head?"  Chris had a quick answer for that one.


We made a quick stop at Omega Bay and then headed into Galveston.  I forgot to mail our quarterly income tax payment and it is due tomorrow.  We needed gas as well, and while we were there we decided to pick up our mail.  While we were picking up our mail, I grabbed a flashlight and walked through the house.  Guess what?  The framers had been there.  We actually have had some positive work done on our house beyond getting electricity.  Looks like they rebraced our outside walls that had bowed from the weight of the flood.  I guess our house won't fall down anytime soon.  Needless to say, we danced back to the car.


1 Peter 3:15 says, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."


Father, help me to be as prepared to engage people every day as I thought I was for waiting around today.  Amen



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