Wednesday, March 5, 2025

March 5 - “The two worst”

Boy, was I ever sore when I woke up yesterday. All that yardwork really nailed me. Especially digging that three foot deep hole out of the old palm tree. The two worst painful spots? Yep, it was a tie. Lower back and … thumbs. Gotta love that arthritis. 

I had a big appointment. It was once again time for … a haircut. I know. Quite the letdown, right? But I like the final result, and it’ll be much cooler for our upcoming trip to Florida. Astros Spring Training. Can’t wait. 

Last night we got back on the soccer train again. Cailyn’s squad was taking on a powerhouse team from Friendswood. In Friendswood. The bad won big, 5-0. But our girls held them scoreless for almost the entire first half you could really tell when the fatigue hit, though. Cailyn played good, but she has been sick, so her aggressiveness was noticeably affected. Nevertheless, I’m proud of you, girls. 

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13‬:‭8‬ says, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Father, thank you for Whataburger. It sure hit the spot last night. Amen. 

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