We made a final sweep of the lodge we stayed in, dropped the key off at the office, and headed back into town. Our first objective was to deliver the beautiful flowers Lauren and Cathy got for Sam’s grave. Thus the final task for the booming metropolis of Burnet has been completed.
After a not-so-quick breakfast at McDonald’s (Chris’ sausage and egg biscuit was missing the egg. Hey. That’s just 50% of expectations. Not too bad), we charted our own course toward home. That’s always a fun approach. It drives Google Siri nuts trying to figure out why we aren’t following her directions.
We continued charting on our own. Ended up stopping in Bastrop, Texas for lunch. At Buc-ees. Hey. Sometimes the familiar is comforting.
From that point we adjusted our route once again. This time we headed directly to Nathan and April’s house. It allowed us to avoid downtown Houston as well as the mysterious hour-long delay along I45 on the way to Galveston. Apparently it was something about construction … on the weekend kickoff of Spring Break. What are the powers that be thinking?
Well, plans changed again. Come to find out, Nathan and April were in Galveston. They finished their shopping, the headed to our house. They were there when we arrived. It was great to hang out with them. Always is.
John 20:18 says, Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord! ” And she told them what He had said to her.
Father, thank you so much for getting us home. One more thing behind us. Amen.