Wednesday, February 14, 2024

February 14 - “So-called smart watch”

I think we had a third party join us on our walk yesterday. As the two of us strolled along, my so-called smart watch spoke, as it is wont to do. “One mile pace,” it began. But there was no expected numerical valuation to follow. Instead, a brief gurgle was followed by, “Black eyed peas are …” and a definition. First of all, since when does the smart watch answer itself? That’s more of a smart-ALECK watch to me. And secondly, how does he get “black eyed peas “ from “one mile pace”?

Smart indeed …

I had a surprise phone call yesterday. My dentist asked if I could come in to get my crown installed and my cavities filled at 1 pm instead of waiting two more weeks for my appointment. Yay. 

Chris had a physical therapy appointment at the same time, but we worked it out for her to drop me off, go get twisted and turned by the therapist (her back is killing her) , then come pick me up. 

The dentist jumped right in. That’s what it felt like, anyway. First she had to cut out the temporary crown. She had glued it pretty good, because it was supposed to last three weeks, not just one. After that extended process, she fixed the first cavity, which was in the tooth next to the crown. That one went well, so she moved quickly to the other. Not so quick there. The cavity was deeper than she anticipated. No problem, but it just added a long time. Once that was finally finished, she switched back to the other side and finally installed the crown. 

Meanwhile, Chris had long since arrived. She parked out front and enjoyed the warmth of the car in the sunshine. I paid the bill and we headed home. Phew. The doc said I don’t have to come back until my next cleaning, six months into the future. Woohoo. 

Last night we went to another of Cailyn’s soccer games. Sadly, the good gals lost this one 1-0 on a fluke goal right under the goalie’s outstretched hands. Cailyn did her usual great job of holding down the center midfielder position. 

Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭43‬-‭44‬ says, You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

Father, thank you for the chance to get the dental work over with so much sooner. Amen. 

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