Saturday, February 13, 2021

February 13 – “Through the door …”

Now here’s an “interesting” day for you.  It started at around 4:30 a.m.  That’s when I woke up to head over to the hospital.  Tom from Seaside was having his open heart surgery.  I got there around 5:30 and had a few minutes to chat with him until Jean and their boys arrived closer to six.  We had prayer together, and not long after they came and wheeled him away to surgery.  To make a long story short, the surgery went well.  Tom had three bypasses.  Now it’s on to recovery …


Oh, and did I mention that the temperature was 41 degrees.  Wind chill of 30.  And it was raining.


After I left the hospital I came back to the house and did some work on the computer.  After a while Nathan and April brought over their two boxers to visit.  They are selling their house (Nathan and April’s house, not just Abby and Tillie’s), and they had a showing scheduled, so the monsters had to depart.  As it turned out they ended up with three showings before all was said and done, so the granddogs spent the whole day with us.  They are a couple of big (really big – Freddy is scared to death of them), goofy sweethearts.  But they did put the finishing touches on our little Freddy-sized doggie door.  Yep.  They figured out right away how it works, but their bodies were just … huge.  They also chewed up Freddy’s bed.  Strange how they could even make the discovery that there was something interesting enough to warrant removal from its covering.  But sure enough, we had a laundry room full of dog bed stuffing.  It actually wasn’t all that much.  Kind of funny, too.  But Mommy and Daddy were not so amused.  Nathan and Cailyn came back a while later with a new door and bed.  He even installed the door for us while I was on the phone with Josh.  All set for the nasty cold weather that is coming our way …


I did have a sort of medical appointment in the afternoon.  It was called a Medicare Wellness Visit.  Something the insurance requires once a year to make sure I’m taking the right meds and not planning to kill myself.  Mostly a lot of talk.  Meds, medical history, and the like.  I filled out a form online and she basically read it back to me, I guess to make sure I meant what I said.  She did take my blood pressure, though.  Apparently, I’m doing fine as far as Medicare is concerned.  Yay for me.  Check.


Philippians 2:5 says, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”


Father, be with Tom as he now enters the recovery and rehabilitation phase of his heart escapade.  Amen.

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