Wednesday, February 19, 2020

February 19 – “Episcobaptipalist??!!”

Tuesday after holiday Monday.  Well, this particular Monday didn’t mean much as a holiday other than the bank was closed and there was no mail service.  But then we didn’t have any mail service yesterday, either.  And I still had to do computer work.  That carried over into Tuesday as well. 

But I did have an interesting phone call.  A lady from the church I grew up in, Grace Episcopal, had a favor to ask.  Seems they have been doing a mobile distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday at the car wash in Jamaica Beach every year.  Well, the car wash doesn’t exist any more, so they were looking for a site to set up for the ashes distribution.  And what better place than the Baptists’ parking lot?  They just need a spot where people can drive their car through and get ashes put on their forehead.  I explained that we are a host site for primary voting, so there will be lots of political signs already up along the roadway, not to mention the church’s marquee.  But, hey.  People can stop in for ashes, vote while they are at it, and find out that we are having a service that night for the expressed purpose of explaining the symbolism behind Ash Wednesday and Mardi Gras.  And as part of the service we will celebrate communion and do a distribution of ashes as well.  Body of Christ working together and serving the community at the same time …

Chris left the island for a while yesterday.  She had to drive into Texas to go to the quilt shop.  This time she needed some more of the specific quilting-quality thread to continue work on the latest creation.  She also picked up some more material for the next quilt in line.  Looks like she’s planning to keep busy for a while. 

Meanwhile I went for a walk.  We haven’t done much since we got back from the cruise.  Chris got sick right after, and now her leg is giving her fits.  I have felt bad about going on my own.  Besides it was a great excuse to be a little lazy …

1 John 2:15 says, “Do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, love for the father is not in them.”

Father, thank you for the chance to be helpful to some brothers and sisters.  Amen.

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