Thursday, July 4, 2019

July 4 – “Practice Packing”

I finished transferring pictures from Kids Camp onto five individual flash drives.  Now I just have to deliver them to the kids and camp will officially be over for the year.  And speaking of delivering … Cailyn and Alexis received theirs yesterday.  We went over to give Nathan his birthday present (a very cool device that tells you how full your propane tank is.  Much more accurate than picking it up and shaking it like it would make a telltale sound of some kind).  Cailyn assured me that she would give Alexis her drive.  They were going to see them later in the evening.  

Other than that, Chris spent the day organizing and “practice packing” for our trip to Alaska.  Not sure what else to call it.  Actually we were both counting out underwear and socks to make sure we had enough for two weeks.  There is stuff laid out all over our spare bedrooms.  I don’t know what else we could possibly need, but if it has ever been mentioned in someone’s travel blog, Chris has carefully considered it.  She is also doing some heavy texting with the Winkles about details.  Oh, and we heard from the Humphries Family up in Alaska, too.  They are looking forward to seeing us.  The feeling is certainly mutual.  They even offered to pick all of us up and take us to church next Sunday morning. 

I somehow managed to dodge a bullet as far as that severe tooth pain I had the other day.  It just wasn’t there.  I’m pretty sure it was related to some praying being done on my behalf.  Specific praying.  One guy texted me right around 7 a.m. – before I ever posted about the toothache – to say he was praying for healing for me.  Later I found out another guy felt very strongly that he should pray for me as well.  He said he felt something was going on with my head or neck.  Pretty close.  Certainly close enough to call it a God thing.  Keep those prayers coming. 

Oh, and Happy Independence Day.

Galatians 5:13 says, “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free.  But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”

Father, thank you for calling out to those two brothers to pray for me.  It has made a difference.  Amen.

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