Sunday, February 24, 2019

February 24 - “Zookeeper”

Have you been watching that new show where they try to guess who is singing behind the weird masks?  Quite odd.  It is kind of captivating, though.  Not that I have done well at guessing who the singers are.  I have no idea who most of the people are, other than Terry Bradshaw, and that’s just because he’s an ex-football player.  I don’t even know who the supposed guest judges are.  Guess I’m living a sheltered life. 

Chris almost has the store room back to full again.  It certainly looks cleaner … crisper … now.  I have left that process to her discretion until she calls out for help.  Grunt work.  That I can do.  Meanwhile, I volunteered to do the difficult task of familiarizing myself with the controls and operation of the new television - cable TV – system.  I know.  That’s a tough job.  But somebody has to do it. 

We did make a WalMart run.  All this fog and nasty weather has really put a damper on our walking schedule.  So sometimes we just go over to the Big W and walk around the store.  Chris did get a storage tub for an old sewing machine she uncovered.  Unfortunately, the dimensions marked on the tub didn’t match the actual dimensions of the tub.  Unusable for our purposes.  We won’t take it back, though.  It will go into our stack of evacuation boxes.  On a positive note, we ran into a few Seasiders.  Joseph has a collection of snakes and other critters that they were picking up some food for.  He’s a  veritable zookeeper.  He shows the snakes at local pet stores.  It was a lot of fun to hear him talk about “my big girl” and how she and the others all have distinct personalities if you just take the time to get to know them.  Chris listened patiently, but I could see her hair beginning to stand on end.  Snakes are right up there with mice on her list of “Uh-uh” species. 

Colossians 2:6 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him”

Father, be with Joseph and Jenna and their zoo of critters.  Amen.

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