Wednesday, November 21, 2018

November 21 – “The next generation”

Countdown to Recoveryville Anguishness … five days.

Aaaaand … here we are, twelve turkeys later.  Gotta say a big thank you to Micah and Uncle Nathan for all their help with those birds.  I confess, I used up everything I had energy-wise somewhere in the middle of the day.  When I woke up from a nap, things were running quite smoothly on the turkey front.  Good to know the next generation is prepared to take over the reins. 

Speaking of the next generation, Chris had a lot of help in the kitchen as well.  Noa and Josiah and Cailyn and even Micah all helped Nana make cookies – chocolate chip and sugar cookies – and apple pie and pumpkin pie.  And not to be deterred, Jachin managed to break from watching Hallmark movies long enough to crush coke cans out in the garage. 

Back in the back yard, Nathan got a call from a friend asking if he could use some dirt.  We had just been talking about how the old roots from the giant pecan tree we used to have (that would be ten years ago.  It died after Hurricane Ike) were rotting away under the pavers that make up our patio.  A few wheelbarrows later, Nathan had leveled out one of the areas.  The other will have to wait until we can dump the used turkey frying oil.  One of the pots now sits right on the precipice of the impending crater. 

But first we have another event planned for today.  We are heading out in just a few minutes to The Woodlands Mall.  Yep.  Another Texas trek.  This time, though, we are going to a party.  At a carousel.  For a certain beautiful little two-year-old named AnnaGrace.  I think I can force myself to endure a trip “up North” for her sake …

Psalms 116:12-13 says, “How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me?  I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.”

Father, please keep the fire fighters who are returning home from California safe so that they can enjoy the holidays with their families.  Amen.

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