Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 21-23 – “A Gap”

Yes, my friends.  I know there has been a gap in the blog entries for the last few days.  Or has it been weeks?  For those of you who reached out to see what was going on … thank you for your concern.  I have indeed been under the weather, as they say.  Heavy on the “under.”  Already the cause of a pretty miserable drive back from Waco, this one surpassed my prior episode of man flu about midnight Saturday when I found myself racing to the bathroom to begin a wonderful evening of dashing (to said bathroom) and pirouetting (depending on the “need” being manifested at the time) and collapsing (in utter exhaustion).  As of now I am doing better.  I’m still pretty weak. It is taking me forever to get this typed, but Chris is making some chicken and dumplings, so there’s something awesome to look forward to.

Fortunately the incredible folks God has assembled in his Body at Seaside were quite gracious.  They afforded me the “opportunity” to remain in bed on Sunday.  (I’m sure the fact they wanted no part of this nastiness played very little role in their expression of love and support).  I understand Mr. Bob (He of “God loves you and I do, too, and there’s not a thing you can do about it” fame) did a fine job filling in for me.  And of course I already knew Jim and the praise team would be awesome.  Sounds like we had quite a crowd, and a lot of them stuck around for dinner on the grounds, too.  My favorite report was the lady Chris met who lives near Diane and Bill Lami.  They have been talking about their church, so she decided to try it out.  Imagine her surprise when she saw several Sea Isle neighbors, and then Mr. Bob, himself stood up to welcome everyone.  I really love it when “Church Works.”

OK, I’m shutting down here for today.  At least I managed a brief “presence” so my thundering hordes of blog fans (all 4 of you) can know I didn’t depart forever.  Keep those prayers coming.

Psalms 27:7-8 says, “Hear my voice when I call, O Lord; be merciful to me and answer me.  My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, Lord, I will seek.”

Father, thank you for the prayers and support of your people.  Church works.  Amen.

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