Monday, January 9, 2017

January 9 – “Make the call”

Just a quick little educational blurb this morning.  A fire call came through last night while we were crashed on the couch watching old Bones episodes again (We’re just finishing up season six out of twelve, so we’ll be doing that for a while).  I noticed that it was just around the corner from our house, so I grabbed my jacket and headed over to do some encouraging.  As I pulled up I heard over the radio that the fire was already out, so that was a good thing.  I found a safe place to park and made my way to the engines on scene.  All was calm and in control, as it should be. 

But here’s the interesting thing.  The fire had been in the trash can of a house.  It had burned to the point of licking against the structure of the porch.  And the homeowners had no idea.  The call came from someone else who had seen the smoke.  Had that person not made the call, this fire could have gotten much worse before the homeowners could even have reacted.  Herein lies the appeal … go ahead and call 9-1-1.  Even if you are not quite sure.  The fire fighters have been trained to search things like that out.  Let them do their job.  You might have a part in saving someone’s home … or even someone’s life. 

Philippians 3:17 says, “Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you.”

Father, thank you for the person who made that phone call yesterday.  Thank you for the quick response of the fire fighters as well.  Amen.

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