Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7 – “Another Texas trip”

I spent much of the day yesterday trekking through Texas on various errands.  I started out at UTMB here on the Island.  My uncle is back in there again with some internal bleeding issues.  It may be related to his blood clot difficulties, but so far they have uncovered nothing specific.  He was sleeping like a log when I got there, so I went over and checked on the little premie Haisley.  I wasn’t on the visitor list, so I had to play the Pastor Card to get in.  Mom and Dad weren’t there yet, so Haisley and I had a little prayer time together.  Actually I prayed and she slept.  I left when the doctors showed up to do some kind of procedure on her.  Didn’t want her to blame me for waking her up.  I went back by my uncle’s room before I left the hospital, but he was still snoring away.  I decided to leave him to his dreams and check with him later.

My next stop was Home Depot.  We are restaining some chairs we salvaged after Hurricane Ike and needed some more stain.  I know.  The hurricane was four and a half years ago.  So we are slow at some things that are low on the old priority list.  What the chairs look like doesn’t affect whether or not they can hold you up when you sit down.  My plan is to attack the last of them today.

Next I made a visit to the Clear Lake Regional Heart Hospital (Actually I have no idea if that name is right or not.  I just know how to get there) to see a lady who used to go to Seaside.  She was doing just fine, considering she had just had four bypass open heart surgery the day before.  Lots of pain, but they were keeping the morphine flowing.  She even enjoyed part of her gourmet meal while I was there.  Jello and apple juice.  Yum.

I made a quick stop at Sam’s on my way back to the Island to pick up some supplies for the church.  Had a really nice intervention service performed for me there.  As I was checking out a random guy stopped and asked if I knew the broom handle I just bought was bent.  Sure enough, about halfway down it looked like someone had smashed it down over his knee and then tried to straighten it back up.  I sure didn’t notice it when I picked it up.  Must have been more tired than I thought.  But thanks to the mystery shopper who brought it to my attention.  You saved me a trip back into Texas.

I finally arrived back on the Island and thought I was headed home for lunch.  Have to admit I was pretty hungry.  It was already past 1:30.  But I remembered one other stop on my list.  So I pulled into Randall’s to take advantage of one of the periodic sales they have on Starbucks coffee beans.  Ran into a problem, though.  Seems I missed the sale by one day.  That’s the bad news.  The good news is they had Blue Bell ice cream on sale.  Can’t go wrong with Blue Bell.  Great consolation prize. 

Psalms 70:4 says, “But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say, ‘Let God be exalted!’”

Father, I guess this is as good a time as any.  Let God be exalted.  Amen

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