Thursday, November 22, 2012

November 22 – “A Happy Thanksgiving wake-up call”

I got a FaceTime request phone call at 6:57 this morning.  It wasn’t a true wake-up call or anything.  I had been up since 6.  It just surprised me a bit.  Nathan is the only one who calls that early, and it’s usually when he is on his way home from work.  But this wasn’t Nathan.  It was from Josh.  Well, it was from Josh’s phone, anyway. 

I answered the call and began the usual wait for the connection.  But suddenly the call failed.  Now that was somewhat of a disappointment, but I continued perusing the newspaper.  Then came the text.  Sure enough it was from Josh.  Seems Caleb was awake early and had taken Daddy’s phone into the closet, and Daddy had no idea that he knew how to use it.  Caleb brought him the phone when the FaceTime connect began and told him “somebody’s trying to call you.”  The image on the screen was still in the fuzzy stage, and Josh had no idea who Caleb had called, so he had hurriedly canceled the call.  I texted back and chastised Daddy a bit for hanging up on me.

Didn’t take long after that for a new FaceTime request to come through.  By this time Chris was wondering what all the phone activity was about, so I joined her back in the bed and we had a nice conversation with Josh and Caleb.  They were the only ones awake over at the other grandparents’ house, so Caleb had opportunity to display his talents for us.  Jumping high came first, which led naturally into break dancing.  And he was very good, actually.  I never heard any music, but since when does a three-almost-four-year-old need music?  His Daddy asked if he would share some of his energy (Daddy’s energy level was obviously, well, quite a bit lower at the moment).  Caleb regretfully declined.  He had other plans for displaying tricks and wanted to conserve what he could. 

The plan is for them to get here tonight and we will do a family Thanksgiving thing tomorrow.  That’s when Kel and his clan can be here, and Nathan has to work today anyway.  We will have some Turkey Day guests, though.  Several folks from church are coming.  Chris is even babysitting a three-year-old today.  And we have invited my cousin Jer and my uncle Jerry if he gets out of the hospital.  April and Cailyn might come, too, especially when they find out little Ciara will be here.  Instant playmate.  And of course the famous Vaughan open door policy is still in effect.  Who knows who else may show up?  All are definitely welcome.

Psalms 40:5 says, “Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done.  The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.” 

Father, that’s a perfect Thanksgiving Day verse.  Thank you for those wonders.  Amen.

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