Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29 – “The Covered Sandbox”


I tried to watch that Clash of the Titans movie while I waited for Josh and Christi movie last night.  I remember seeing the original, and they had the trailer from it at the beginning of the disc.  I was really excited to see the guy cut off Medusa's head.  But when they drove up around 12:45, and I woke up, the guy was throwing the head away.  Disgusted that I missed it, I just turned it off, so I still haven't seen it.  Only cool thing I remember was the sand crabs they were riding on.


Speaking of sand, Micah and Zak discovered our covered sandbox in the back yard.  The area under the steps leading to the deck has never grown much of anything except weeds.  And since we have been trying to get control of the weeds, it has turned into quite a nice little shaded sandbox.  The dogs really love it.  They have dug a hole next to the steps that is probably two feet deep.  They crawl in there when it's really hot outside.  The two guys played in the dirt for almost an hour.  First they were going to fill in the hole.  And then … naaah.  They decided it would be more fun to actually dig clear through to China.  I remember trying that same feat as a kid.  They again got distracted, though.  I think the final project had something to do with building roads.


I think the next event was the most fun, though.  They stripped down to their underwear and Josh squirted them with the water hose.  Even when they ran upstairs on the deck to "get away," they snuck to the edge so Josh could still squirt them.  By the time they went back inside they were both drenched.  Great fun.


I texted Chris to tell her about this great afternoon extravaganza.  She answered back almost immediately, "What covered sandbox?"  That's when I realized that it takes the perspective of a child to look at that worthless patch of dirt where nothing grows and see a venue for excitement worthy of at least an hour of precious kid play time.


Matthew 18:3-4 says, "And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."


Father, when I forget to look at things from your perspective, at least give me the perspective of a child.  Amen.

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