Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 7 – “A trip to Mansfield”


A trip to Mansfield.  A trip to Mansfield in January.  A trip to Mansfield in January during one of the strongest cold fronts of the last ten years.  Add in there my Mom who complains she is freezing when it gets way down to 57 degrees in Galveston.  And the loss of our Explorer for the trip, meaning I get to ride in the tiny little extended cab back seat of the truck.  This was going to be one interesting trip.


We waited until the rain stopped before leaving the island.  It really had not gotten very cold yet, but we had our coats at the ready.  Our first stop (not counting the one for some donuts for breakfast) was at the rest stop in Huntsville.  Yes, it was cold.  The guys working there were talking about the weather being in the high twenties.  And one of them laughed when we said we were headed farther North.  Yes, it was cold.


Our next stop was Centerville for a Texas Burger.  There the people were talking about the weather being in the low twenties.  And Mom didn't even order a chocolate milkshake.  It was cold.


When we arrived at Josh and Christi's I texted him to say we were there.  He texted back that he was in the attic, and we should come in through the garage.  In the attic?  He was putting away their Christmas decorations.  But he came down before we got out of the truck.  And he had on gloves.  Gloves.  Not work gloves.  Warm gloves.  He said between now and Sunday (when it was supposed to start warming up) it was supposed to dip into the teens.  OK.  I really didn't want to go any farther North.  It was cold.


One cool thing about it being cold (Huh??!) was that they had their fireplace going.  Mom always loves a fire in the fireplace, and she claimed the seat closest to it.  Most of the afternoon was spent just playing with the boys.  Tonight we helped Christi with some of the preparations for the party on Saturday.  Nothing simple for her.  It's a construction theme, so there are cone hats and work zone tape, and warning signs, and trucks on the cake, and a piñata in the shape of a bulldozer.  Yep.  A piñata.  Inside.  Because … it is cold.


Zechariah 14:6-7 says, "On that day there will be no light, no cold or frost. 7 It will be a unique day"


Father, that's a day I look forward to.  Amen.

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