Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10 – “Day Off”


I got my plans for today handed to me on a silver platter by Chris this morning.  She said I was not to do anything that remotely resembled work.  That meant no work for the church (so, no sermon preparation).  It meant no work for Seaside Christian Academy (so, no employee handbook or curriculum).  It meant no work around the house (so, no painting or cleaning out the garage).  It's been so long since I did that, I couldn't even fathom what it would be like.  And I sure didn't have any ideas of what to do.


I didn't feel good enough to argue.  My back still hurt.  But I did some back door maneuvering.  I spent the first part of the morning balancing the checkbook.  It took forever.  Not so much because it was so bad.  Mainly because I kept falling asleep.  I think I finally got it done. 


The floor guy stopped by to check out the grout in the master shower.  It's cracking in places and turning very dark in others.  He's going to send over someone to take care of it.  Our contractor called to let us know that the fireplace lady will be here tomorrow to install the chimney.  What a thought.  By tomorrow night we could be making a fire.  And today we were under a severe heat advisory.  Maybe the fire can wait a few days.  Or months.


I watched two movies.  Well, I slept through the last one for sure.  I'm pretty sure I saw most of the first one.  Something about a dog actor who ends up a firehouse dog.  Cute.  The second one had Keanu Reeves in it, but he wasn't Neo.  He had long hair.


This afternoon I slipped off the wagon.  I went through the personnel manual for Seaside Christian Academy.  I got chewed out for that one, but we have a meeting tomorrow night.  And I already have a full day planned for tomorrow.  I had to do something. 


Ephesians 5:15-16 says, "Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."


Father, thank you for the rest today.  My back still hurts.  Could you help me a little there?  Amen.

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