Monday, December 8, 2008

December 8 – “Catalyst”

We put our '92 Explorer in the shop today.  It was running OK.  It's just that we are going to Joshua's graduation from seminary in Fort Worth later this week, and we want to drive the safest car we can.  Other than an oil change, we asked our mechanic to check out the temperature gauge that didn't work, the seat belt that wouldn't latch, and the speedometer that is apparently off (See journal for Thanksgiving Day for details on that one). 


Before we ever got to the house we got a call from an old friend and ex-Seasider, Ken Fryer.  Actually, I think once you have been affected by Seaside, you always carry a bit of it with you wherever you go, so you are never really an ex-Seasider.  Anyway, Ken left Galveston to move to Alaska several years ago, and he's now living in Austin.  And of all places to go for his vacation, he chose good ol' torn up Galveston.  He must have sand between his toes.


We did finally get to work on the house for awhile.  I got the ceiling torn out everywhere except the garage.  Not sure I need to do that one.  My gut tells me yes.  But that means I have to work around the garage door.  And remove the garage door opener.  Sounds like an ordeal.  That means it must be something I have to do.  I didn't finish cleaning up, though.  Chris finished pulling the nails out of the ceiling in all three bedrooms and one bathroom.  I only got half of the one room cleaned out.  It was covered knee deep in sheetrock and insulation.  But I really wanted to get it finished.  Alas, phone calls and rehashing old times don't make for efficient work conditions.  But the thing is … I was genuinely disappointed.  Almost to the point of frustration.  Now where did that come from?  I got to see an old friend.  I heard we might get some building help for our house.  There are still groups wanting to come to town to give us some help.  And here I was getting depressed over not picking up a pile of rubble. 


Sometimes it doesn't take long to slip into depression … or old habits … or new habits.  It's not enough just to fight it off, either.  That may work for awhile, but it makes you tired.  What you need is a replacement.  Something completely positive.  Something powerful enough to be a catalyst for change. 


Psalms 119:11 says, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."  Now that's powerful.  A way to fight against sin.  A way to change your whole life. 


Father, I want that kind of catalyst.  Energize my weak attempts to memorize your word.  Amen

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