Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30 - “Demo Team”

Chris was feeling a little off again yesterday, so I did the walk on my own. I started around 6:20.  That’s a.m.  I got to see the sunrise. And then it did me a real solid. Stayed behind clouds until I finished the walk. Nice. 

Later we hit the road and delved into the wilds of Texas. Well, maybe not wilds.  We were in Texas City.  Micah and Josiah and Noa (and Kaylie, Micah’s girlfriend) had a karate demo team presentation. Kel was going  to receive a new belt. The kids were nothing short of amazing … of course. We were grandparently proud. Kel didn’t have to do anything after all. He was the only one of his class that could be there. Still gets his next level belt, though. Attaboy. 

We stopped for lunch on the way home. Good ol’ Cracker Barrel. It’s been a while. I had the pork chop special. Chris had chicken pot pie. And to top off a great meal, we had enough points from our previous visits to get the pork chop meal free. Hard to beat. 

Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭4‬ says, Even when I go by through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff — they comfort me.


Father, thanks for the skill and commitment of those kiddos we watched yesterday. Bless them. Amen. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 29 - “Pistachio Almond?”

Chris took her walk on her own yesterday. I needed a day off after four days in a row. I’ll be back on track again this morning, though. 

About the only real walking I got in came when we went to Randall’s to get a prescription. Easy peasy. But when we left there we got down to the real important business behind our trip. Ice cream. Kroger’s had Blue Bell on sale, so we couldn’t pass up that opportunity. Chris was looking for pistachio ice cream. No dice at Kroger, but we actually saw some at Randall’s. Pistachio Almond. Her two favorite nuts (After me, of course).  We will return for that one sometime before next Wednesday. 

Last night we had quite the time figuring out how to sign in to Apple TV+ so we could watch the Astros game. We finally got in, with Jachin and Kel’s help. Gotta say … the tv feed felt more like a video game. Kind of eerily … big. 

Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ says, The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths for His name’s sake.

Father, thank you for our tech-savvy kids and grandkids. Amen. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

June 28 - “Insect Destroyer Man”

Talk about a workday. It was Thursday. That meant Home Group at night. It also meant Chris’ weekly day of deep cleaning. And since we were at camp all last week, it was my day of outside labor. I did the mowing and edging and even the sweeping (believe me, my back can attest to the sweeping part). I’m sure the sweeping was nowhere near as thorough as when Chris does it, but it’s done. And before the projected rain arrived (it never did arrive, by the way). 

I also got to play Insect Destroyer Man. The mosquitoes were out in force outside. They organized into areal (and aerial) militias so there could be coordinated attacks every time I came into each territory. The Off I sprayed on did OK for a while, but once they smelled sweat, the battle was on. About all I did on that front was locate and swat the brave souls who bit through the death spray. 

Speaking of death spray … I had a chance to use some of the “good stuff” inside. It’s the attack version that our bug guy from church recommended. Chris located a colony of fleas, so I gave the room she found them in a good squirt. It was also time to spray for roaches anyway - welcome to Galveston. 

I had a bit of the run-around with another of our bill companies. Seems they received a payment two days late. Note here: we paid it through our bank two weeks ahead of the due date. Thank you very much, USPS. At least four times in our “discussion” she told me it was “not within company parameters to refund late fees.”  Interesting dodge to just saying “no.” Finally, when I refused to let it go, she put me on hold. A good sign. When she returned, the “company parameters” were apparently somewhat different for “long-time customers.”  I got half the late fee back. Oh, well. Better than nothing. And she also told me I could pay on the account at my local store. Interesting. I immediately went there to pay next month’s bill. Nope. Well, not exactly nope. You can pay there, but only with cash money - no checks or credit cards. I went to my original plan and had the bank send it again. Maybe with three weeks until due date they can make it on time. Sigh. 

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭ says, Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. Resist him and be firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world.

Father, thanks for the really good home ground last night. I needed it. Amen. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

June 27 - “Special moments”

We did our walk first thing yesterday. And Chris made it the whole two miles. I could tell it was a struggle for her, but she did it. That’s my girl. 

I had an appointment at 11:15. Nope. Not a doctor this time. I just needed a haircut, and Suzann was back at work after having her foot operated on. She asked at one point if I wanted a little more taken off. I told her my stock answer to that one: “Err on the side of too short. It’ll grow back.”  She did a great job, as usual. 

After watching the Astros win (woo hoo!), Chris started supper and I started a movie on TV. Not sure I should admit it, but it was The Princess Diaries. It was one of Cailyn’s favorites back in the day. We used to watch it together … a lot. Nostalgia check. So I texted her to check in. As it turns out … still one of her all-time favorites.  That’s my girl. 

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬ says, So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Father, please keep Chris in your hand as she continues to recover. And thank you for the special moments we have had with Cailyn. Amen. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June 26 - “Celebrity Sighting”

Chris was up and about a little earlier yesterday. In fact, she even walked the first mile with me. I was (and am) pretty proud of her. 

Later on in the morning we finally succumbed to the necessity (and temptation) to run that key regular errand. Oh, we stopped by Randall’s to grab a prescription that was ready, but that wasn’t the requirement for the day. Nope. We went to Walmart. 

There it is. Gotta have the Walmart fix, right? Actually, we didn’t have very many groceries in the house. That will never do. Time to restock. 

But there’s also the other Walmart staple … people watching. This time we hit the jackpot of sorts. No. Not the crazily dressed strange-o’s. Although they were there. But this time we actually saw a local celebrity. A guy named Michael Courdray was strolling through, pushing his cart. He and his wife do a building remodeling show on HGTV. Guess she sent him to the store for a gallon of milk or something. And no. We didn’t fan girl all over him and tell him we watch his show. Left him to his business. 

Isaiah‬ ‭53‬:‭6‬ ‭ says, We all went astray like sheep; we all have turned to our own way; and the Lord has punished Him for the iniquity of us all.

Father, be with Michael and his family. Draw them close to you. Amen. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 25 - “Early start”

I got started early yesterday. Chris was still feeling puny, so I got brave and set out on a walk by myself. Left a little before seven and got back before Chris made her appearance from the bedroom. Two miles. Check. 

We originally thought about going to Walmart to get some groceries. We decided to give Chris one more day to get a little bit more “recuperated” before hitting the shelves today. 

Sam spent some time at her house in the afternoon. I think she wanted to check out whatever effects on her house the flood waters of last week might have had. 

Honestly, it feels kind of strange to look over our calendar for the week. Chris originally had an oncology doctor appointment yesterday, but they mysteriously moved it to July. She gave them a call and pretty much read them the riot act. Not for moving the appointment. That much is always understandable. Nope. She was upset that no one ever called her to let her know. The only reason she didn’t just show up is she happened to check her MyChart page. The voice on the phone assured her that a supervisor would be notified. 

John‬ ‭8‬:‭32‬ says, You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Father, thank you for every step Chris takes closer to feeling better. Amen. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24 - “A little baseball”

Chris stayed home from church yesterday. She was still nursing that post-camp crud cold. The crowd was a little down as well. Guess there were some folks taking care of flooded houses and  storm related repairs. 

We spent the afternoon watching a little baseball. Started out with the Astros. They did something only one other team has done this year. They swept a series from the Orioles. Impressive. 

We followed that up with the second half of the Aggies’ College World Series game.  The results there weren’t quite so good. After leading 1-0 for most of the game, they gave up two two-run home runs. The Aggies didn’t give up, though. They got a rally started in the bottom of the ninth. Couldn’t quite pull it out though. Final game tonight . Winner take all. 

Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭11‬  says, Let us then make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall into the same pattern of disobedience.

Father, please help Chris to heal quickly. It’s hard to see her miserable.  Amen. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 23 - “A calm day”

What an unusual night’s sleep. Well, unusual for the last week, anyway. I woke up at 5:30 yesterday. Not too shabby a follow-up when we couldn’t keep our eyes open even to watch the Astros game.  I eased out of bed and settled into my office chair. Even managed to doze back off a little because, well, because I could. We were both tired and maybe had a tetch of that camp crud cold going on. 

Speaking of tired, after some lunch, Chris disappeared into the bedroom for a nap. I stayed in front of the TV and dozed off myself. Not saying I really watched anything in particular. I was too in and out to notice anyway. I did wake up in time to watch the Astros game though. Another win. Woohoo!

Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭ says, Therefore, a Sabbath rest remains for God’s people. For the person who has entered His rest has rested from his own works, just as God did from His.

Father, thanks for a calm day. Be with us at church today. That would be the “us” here at Seaside in Galveston and the “us” at Columbus Avenue in Waco as well. You know. The Church. Amen. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

June 22 - “Kids camp: Day … last”

I was awakened with a start - a rather rude start, to be sure. A little before 4 a.m. my  right hamstring tightened in one of the worst muscle cramps I have had in years. It eased fairly quickly, but then smacked me again. It finally went away and stayed away, but my body was so keyed, it was impossible to get back to sleep. So I got up. 

I walked around the campgrounds near the cabin. It was too dark to see anything, though. I was really thankful that Michelle (Children’s Minister) had a Keurig machine set up in the meeting room. I poured myself a cup of coffee - wait. You can’t say that any more. I did no pouring. All I did was … umm … push-button me a cup?  The coffee was much appreciated, however you say it nowadays. 

Daniel and the mysterious J (he just goes by J. You know. It’s a Men in Black thing. At least I think so. Last thing I remember from our conversation is this cool pen he was showing me …) finally joined me, and we had our morningly “staff meeting.”  That’s means we just drank coffee and chatted, killing time until 7.  Wake-up time. 

And that was my cue. Now, I had introduced the boys to the glories of my singing and the camp cult classic, “I’m a Nut” the day before. But this time I had completed “the rest of the story.”  Unbeknownst to them, I had made mention of each of them in one of the new verses. Talk about surprised faces. Priceless. And J followed me on my rounds, recording the action on his phone camera. That one will live in infamy. Now, lest ye think that I was showing male favoritism, I then stood at the door to the girls dorm and serenaded them with nutty deliciousness as well. By the time I finished, several of them had made their way into the common room to hear it all. So  much fun when it’s the first time. 

Well, after breakfast and the last morning celebration (our blue rec team came in dead last, but we take credit for re-inventing the water game), we said our goodbyes, loaded onto the bus (or in our case, the car), and headed for Waco. The kids were ready to get back home (although an unofficial Daniel Poll revealed that about half of them would be happy to stay another two days. The other half wanted to see Mommy or Daddy or, in most cases, the family pet). 

Fast forward an hour or so. Back at the church, we took a group picture by the bus, then some parents may or may not have been attacked with fierce hugs and kisses. Welcome Home. 

But … not for us quite yet. We still had a four and a half hour drive ahead of us. And of course four and a half turned into five. And five to five and a half. Why? Downtown Houston. We even took the suggested routes down through the side streets. We plowed through, though. We got Noa to her house around five. And then, on to Galveston to prep for the next tropical storm forming in the Gulf. 

Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭9‬ says, Therefore, a Sabbath rest remains for God’s people. 

Father, thank you for a great week with some great kiddos. Help them remember the lessons learned and follow through with the connections and commitments made. Amen. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21 - “I’m a Nut”

Well … it took me all week, and I only got the boys, here’s the I’m a Nut words for this year:

I’m an acorn small and round

Lying on the cold hard ground 

Everyone walks over me

That is why I’m cracked, you see

I’m a nut. I’m a nut. I’m a nut, I’m a nut, I’m a nut. 

Called myself on the telephone 

Just to see if I was home

Asked me out for a little date

Picked me up about half past eight

Took myself to the movie show

Stayed too late and said let’s go

Grabbed my hand and led me out

Drove me home and gave a shout. 

Josh D. mumbled in his sleep 

Then dozed off without a peep

Michael and Isaac liked their bed

Hard for them to lift their head. 

Noah has the perfect hair

Avocado swoosh he flares

Nate and Tate both like to talk

But it sure slows down their walk

Who can pop his knuckles, ew?

Just ask Sam he’ll crack a few

Rob the bead man made some trades

Differences began to fade

Josh P shined at gaga ball

Reid and Andrew led it all

Fruit chews stakes the ante fed

In Carter’s card games on his bed 

Jase is cool guy nerd, how’s that?

Owen loved that little cat

Ricky searches clues and ants

Luke he leads us in the dance

Miss Chelsea helped keep us wise

She is great - one of us guys 

PK’s verse was fun, ah, but

Best of all was “I’m a nut”

**Here we insert verses more

But for guys they are a chore

Just about the girls somehow

Think I’ll leave those out for now

Water game was our guys’ fave

They to all a soaking gave

Pastor Josh and family

Joined one day’s activity. 

Mister J got lost one night

Searched for us at firelight

Mister Daniel taught us well

Thanks from us to Miss Michelle!

Sang some fun songs ‘bout some fruit

Worshipped with some praise songs, too. 

Pastor Stu taught worship time

Singer Joe praised Jesus fine

Final night was oh so grand

Bigger than what we could plan

We all sat out by the lake

Fireworks a show did make. 

Through the songs we learned to praise 

Worship with our hands upraised

Like-Nicodemus, Hannah, too

And Nathaniel - God loves you!

Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ says, Don’t collect for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But collect for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Father, help these kiddos hang onto some of the these spiritual truths they have been exposed to. Amen. 


Noa came from Galveston 

Fit right in with us as one

Brooklyn became Noa’s friend. 

Miss Becky encouraged them!

Mama Chris did medicine

Alyssa’s off to Spain again

Miss Jada on zip line flew

Lily flipped into the pool

Elle helped AnnaGrace on the lake

Joy is singing when she wakes

Jacklyn swam with Joy to test 

Just so Joy could do her best 

Kayghen kindly helped to read 

Carly’s smile is nice, indeed

Katy became Robin Hood 

When Pastor Stu said she could.