Chris had the big appointment yesterday. Time for her haircut to happen. She has gone a lot longer than I can wait for mine. Suzann tried something different this time. Chris pondered it for a while. Still not sure what the final outcome will be - keep or get creative on her own.
We ran over to Walmart to grab some grape juice and pretzels for the Ash Wednesday service last night. Already had the ashes burned and everything else packed and ready to go.
The service went really well. Lots of folks we haven’t seen in a while. Plenty of new people who were hearing the Ash Wednesday teaching for the first time, too.
Speaking of packed and ready to go … we also loaded the car with all the stuff for Sam’s burial. That tombstone was plenty heavy, but fortunately Corey came over and helped. We had to stuff several tubs of genealogy stuff and photos as well. Those go to the different sides of Sam’s family who are supposed to be at the service tomorrow. Let me just say, after adding our suitcase, that car was stuffed.
Romans 3:23-24 says, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. They are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Father, please ride with us on our journey today. Amen.