Thursday, March 13, 2025

March 13 - “Adam and Eve-ing”

No appointments yesterday. In fact no need to drive anywhere. Instead we attacked some back yard chores we have been putting off. Chris dug weeds from a flowerbed. I got out a hatchet and tried to clear away some more of that old pine tree stump back there. It took all three of those bags of fill dirt we got, plus the ground-up mulch from the old tree, plus a hefty treatment of fire ant killer, to fill in  the hole. 

Then we worked together to do a major trim job of the wisteria bush. It has grown and taken over its spot on the back fence. Lots of the branches were already dead. Some of them were in my line of traffic for mowing. Still others were shooting straight up, making for a desperate need of a haircut. We got it all done in time for lunch. Pretty full morning. 

But not full enough for Chris. She insisted that she was going to get more accomplished. But at the same time she was struggling with some indigestion issues. And I have learned to NOT take those kinds of things lightly. I helped her get to a stopping point that she was OK with (though not completely satisfied by any means). Then we spent some time just crashing in the porch swing.  

After some supper we continued the crashing theme, but on the couch. We watched two movies. The Librarian series. They are a lot of fun. 

Jonah‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ says, Now the Lord had appointed a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the fish three days and three nights.

Father, thank you for the chance to do some Adam and Eve-ing by working in the garden. Amen. 

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