Monday, February 3, 2025

February 3 - “Groundhog vs. Sand crab”

Simon the Sand Crab squared off against Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog to reveal to the world which would be the top weather forecaster of the new year. 

Simon faced an “official” prediction of 55 degrees and clear (after the National Weather Service had already issued a dense fog warning). Punxsutawney Phil, on the other hand, saw a prediction of 18 degrees and cloudy. So which would it be?  

Well, the results are in. Old Phil officially saw his shadow. Dove back into his hole in abject terror. Six more weeks of winter, at least for Poor Old Pennsylvania. Sorry, weather service. Phil’s decision trumps yours. 

Simon had to wait another hour or so to make his prediction for Galveston. Island time is a bit more relaxed than that of America, you know? When he finally crept out from his sandy burrow, he, too, was met with sunny skies. Ah, but here’s where Simon is different from Phil. Si’s eyes are on top of his head, so he can’t see his shadow, anyway. And on top of that, Simon likes the sunshine. He can more effectively scurry about the sand, searching for whatever scraps it is that sand crabs enjoy feasting upon.  So his report? Bring it on, Summer! Er, OK, OK. Stick a week or so of Spring in there first. But then, Bring it on, Summer!

Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭11‬ says, Give us today our daily bread.


Father, thank you for the sunshine and the warmth that it brings. Kinda like a hug from above. Amen. 

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