Saturday, February 1, 2025

February 1 - “A bit of history?”

I went outside early to grab the newspaper. I have to confess, I may have looked to the skies - well, at least to the treetops - as I exited the front door. No paper in the trees, however. A second glance found the paper. There it was, nestled comfortably in its usual bed of winter clover growth - UNDER the crepe myrtle tree. 

After perusing the news, we hit the road for Texas. Chris had an appointment for her yearly mammogram at the Victory Lakes branch of UTMB. speaking of Victory Lakes, I learned that the area now hosting the hospital and a myriad of major developments used to be owned by none other than Salaam ben Laden, half brother to the infamous Osama. That was long ago when the land held nothing but a tiny local airport. Interesting little tidbit of history. Of course that very well could also be naught but unverified Facebook drivel. 

Oh! All looked fine on the mammogram. At least, all they said was, “See you next year.”

After a quick lunch we finished out our errands for the day. The bank for some as-yet unanswered questions. CVS pharmacy for some specialty vitamins for Chris (the only place in town that carries them, but they wouldn’t accept the coupon we had). Randall’s for some gas and to pick up a few prescriptions (which were free, if you can believe that). And finally … Walmart. Yep. Bananas. Well, and milk. So two key staples. 

Oh! And last night we went to Cailyn’s soccer game. She played the whole game on defense and of course did a fantastic job. And to top it off, the good guys won 3-1. Woohoo!

‭‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭16‬ ‭says, For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.

Father, thanks for the good news on the mammogram front. Amen.